The WAI Powder Coating System effectively puts one more durable, simple finishing option within the reach of anyone who wants it. Powder coating works by electro statically applying a powder to metal (and some-non-metal) surfaces. The coated piece is then heated in a standard non-food prep. electric oven at 400F for approximate 30 minutes. The resulting finish looks like paint but is more durable and scratch-resistant.
Powder coating is the process of electro statically spraying pulverized particles of plastic (usually polyester or polyurethane) onto a clean metal substrate (the part to be coated).
The applied powder is then heated (cured) at a temperature of 400F peak metal temperature for 10-30 minutes.
Once the part has been cured for the proper time, and is cool to the touch, the part is ready to be placed into service.
Powder coating offers superior durability and is very resistant to corrosion, cracking, UV rays, scratches, grease, and most chemicals.
Powder coating easily turns unattractive parts, into beautifully coated works of art!